Meet our CH team!

    CH Rachel

    CH Questionnaire:

  • Introduction (Tell us about yourself, include your CH Name):
    ...been at amigo for 10 years and I'm the mother of a wonderful 10 years old boy, Anthony.
    I like listening to podcast during my shift.

  • What’s the best thing about being a chat host?
    Meeting all the fun roomies from all over the world.

  • If we could add sound to our bingo rooms, what would be your entrance theme song?

  • What is your typical work-from-home outfit?

  • My favorite chat game is
    Lucky charmer

  • Tell us your favorite three bingo patterns.
    Coffee, cake, and bugs.

  • What is the funniest thing that has ever happened while you have been in a chat room?
    When Eeyoo porch was catching fire, her dog Max kept barking at her till she got up an look out the sliding doors, she saw the small fire under her porch forming- manage to put it out and every one was safe.

  • What book or movie have you read/seen recently that you would recommend and why?
    Lucifer Netflix, super fun..

  • The zombie apocalypse is coming; what are the three things you would take with you?
    Machete, food, and toilet paper.

  • You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?
    Time of my life.

  • What would your talent be if you were Miss or Mister World?

  • Have you ever completed anything on your “bucket list”?
    If yes, let us know about it. - Bungee jumping.

  • Give roomies your best advice to increase their chances of winning.?
    Enjoy and have fun.

  • What can roomies expect to experience during your shift?
    Fun chit chat.

  • What is your life motto?
    There is a science behind everything.