Meet our CH team!

    CH Missy

    CH Questionnaire:

  • Introduction (Tell us about yourself, include your CH Name):
    I'm CM Missy!   I\m married and have 3 kids, 1 stepdaughter, and 2 grandchildren!   I also have 2 dogs... and 2 cats (who rule my world lol).

  • What’s the best thing about being a chat host?
    Working from home and meeting people from all around the world

  • If we could add sound to our bingo rooms, what would be your entrance theme song?
    I have no idea... lol  I'm sure the roomies could come up with a few ;).

  • What is your typical work-from-home outfit?

  • My favorite chat game is
    Beaver Tales

  • Tell us your favorite three bingo patterns.
    Coverall, beaver (of course), block of 4

  • I like listening to
    the tv (movies, news, hockey lol) during my shift:

  • What is the funniest thing that has ever happened while you have been in a chat room?
    hmmm I can't recall one single moment, but I am positive that CM Niko was involved LOL   I usually have at least one good laugh every shift, whether it's a typo or a player telling me something funny!

  • What book or movie have you read/seen recently that you would recommend and why?
    A simple Favour on Netflix!  Char recommended it to me, and it was a great chick flick!

  • The zombie apocalypse is coming; what are the three things you would take with you?
    Laptop, phone, and smokes!  lol.

  • You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?
    Like a virgin!

  • What would your talent be if you were Miss or Mister World?
    talking? lol.

  • Have you ever completed anything on your “bucket list”? If yes, let us know about it.
    Not yet... I'll get there! .

  • Give roomies your best advice to increase their chances of winning.
    Pray to the bingo gods haha.

  • What can roomies expect to experience during your shift?
    I hope they have fun!  I always try to be fair and I like to chitchat!.

  • What is your life motto?
    Poop happens ;)